Liza Moore

Accounts Assistant

Bio: Liza joined us in the summer of 2024 as part of our Accounts Admin team. She’s learnt the ropes, picked up our processes incredibly quickly and is now enjoying finding her feet as part of our fast-paced Accounts department.

Do you have any pets? Ollie, a Beagle Cocker Spaniel cross (If people ask me what he’s like I often ask them to imagine a Tornado indoors!)

Favourite Netflix series? I’m going to go rogue and say I don’t have a favourite Netflix series but I loved ‘This Is Us’ on Prime and I’m currently on my 7th/8th round of watching Golden Girls, again (obsessed).

Best book you’ve read in the last 12 months? Written in Bone by Sue Black. Fascinating. 

Favourite Office Snack? A good biscuit to go with a cuppa’.

Favourite thing about being on Team EdCo? I don’t dread Mondays – such a nice team to be a part of.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sara by Fleetwood Mac or The Best by Tina Turner – I couldn’t live without Tina!

Favourite place you’ve travelled to? New York at Christmas time was incredible, however, nowhere gives me more Zen than Cornwall.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet – until my uncle totally spoilt the dream with a graphic description of what I’d have to do if a cow came into the surgery. Make of that what you will.

Tea or coffee? What is life without coffee?

Best secret skill? I’m pretty good with a pencil, pen or paint brush – generally pretty good (if I do say so myself) at anything arty.


liza moore