Coming up with consistent content ideas for your cleaning company can be challenging, particularly when you’re already snowed under with the actual running of your business!
Finding inspiration for ideas takes time, planning and writing takes time, uploading and scheduling takes more time on top of that – sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. There are, however, some content hacks that make the process easier (and slightly less time-consuming!)
One of our favourite hacks as copywriters is tapping into seasonal content. It keeps your content relevant, engages existing and new audiences and makes it easier to come up with content ideas.
But what is seasonal content? And how can you utilise it to boost exposure for your cleaning company?
What is Seasonal Content?
Seasonal content does what it says on the tin – it taps into relevant events throughout the year that attract a lot of attention online. Take Christmas, for example – during December, searches that include the word ‘Christmas’ increase drastically. Everyone is talking about it; everyone is creating content centred on it, meaning Christmas specific content is much more likely to be seen at this time.
Two months later, not so much!
The point of creating seasonal content is to pinpoint your company as being one that keeps up to date with trends and works to meet the needs of its target audience. Customers almost expect to be presented with content relevant to the season during seasonal events. Content marketing is all about giving your customers what they want, and you’ll definitely be doing that by creating seasonal content.
Seasonal Content for your Cleaning Company
Every industry is different, and what may be relevant to post about for one company may not be an excellent idea for another. The cleaning industry, however, is incredibly versatile, and there are plenty of ways you can incorporate seasons and trending events into your content while still keeping it relevant.
Spring is a great seasonal trend for your cleaning company to jump on the bandwagon of. An incredibly popular search term for this time of year is ‘spring cleaning’. Not only is this relevant to the season, but it also gives you the perfect opportunity to shout about your services.
But what are the benefits of keeping up with these trending events?
The Benefits of Creating Seasonal Content
Seasonal Content is Shareable
Because seasonal content is so relevant, as well as being easy for you to share, it’s also extremely easy for your audience to share. If they find something relevant within your content, they may feel inclined to share it with others who might see the same value in it. More exposure for you!
Seasonal Content Pleases Customers
At certain times of the year, events like season changes or holidays like Easter and Christmas are at the forefront of people’s minds. They’ll be more likely to be searching for specific seasonal content – this is your opportunity to provide it for them. Giving your audience what they want is the best way to keep them happy.
Seasonal Content Provides Opportunity to Promote your Services
Sometimes, marketing your services can feel a bit repetitive. Seasonal content allows you to pitch your services or products in a new way without sounding like a salesperson or a stuck record. People have different problems at different times of the year – mould your services to fit with the seasonal solutions they’re searching for.
Seasonal Content can be Re-used and Re-purposed
It’ll come as no surprise that seasonal content can be re-used. What was relevant for spring this year is likely to be relevant for spring next year too! A quick update will have it feeling as good as new and means you won’t have to spend hours creating brand new content again.
It can also be re-purposed. One of the services you showcased in your spring specific content may also work for the festive period – again, a quick edit will change the overall purpose of your content without having to start over.
So we’ve established the benefits of creating seasonal content and you want to get involved, but you’re stuck for ideas. What now?

Spring Content Ideas for your Cleaning Company
Utilising seasonal topics on your business blog is a great way to draw attention to your website and thus your business. However, we’ve already established that coming up with content ideas all the time is a bit of a pain.
With this in mind, we thought we’d provide you with some blog title inspiration to get you started:
How to Spring Clean your Home
‘How to’ blogs are great when it comes to tasks that potential customers need or want to complete. Talk them through tips and tricks for giving their home the best spring clean it’s ever seen – and don’t forget to offer an incentive for using your services!
How to Spring Clean on a Budget
Tap into a problem your target audience may be facing with this title. Cleaning products and services are expensive – share your advice for getting the best deals with optimum results. Perhaps you’re offering a discounted spring clean service for first-time customers? If so, shout about it! You’ll be offering a solution to their problem and promoting your services simultaneously.
Spring Clean your Kitchen in under 30 Minutes
Time-bound blog titles are a great way to stand out from the crowd. You’re offering information that is probably already out there, but you’re putting a unique twist on it by giving it a countdown. Share your advice for a speedy spring clean for your audience members who may not have all day to vacuum and dust.
6 Cleaning Products to Invest in this spring
Know of a carpet cleaner with a floral scent perfect for sunny spring days? Do you sell a surface spray that’s great for a quick kitchen cleanse? Share these products with your customers and potential customers – it may be just what they’ve been looking for!
How to Prepare your House for Guests
Tapping into real-life events that your audience may be engaging in at a particular time is a great way to keep your content relevant. With the warmer weather, spring is a popular time for people to invite guests into their homes for fun gatherings. Let your customers know how to prepare their homes for this event – and, if you offer a service that could help, even better!
The History of the Spring Clean
Sometimes, good old information is the way to go. Get researching and put together a piece that tells your audience all about the keyword you want to rank for. This is a great way for running into accidental browsers – their curiosity about the spring clean may mean they end up investing in one of your services, whether that was their search intention on not!
‘I Hate Spring Cleaning!’ – Hacks for Keeping your Spring Clean Simple
With this blog title, you’ll be tapping into a very specific pain point that your customers and potential customers may be facing. By picking up on this, you’re validating their problem and simultaneously helping them out by offering the perfect solution. They’ll thank you (and remember you) for doing so.
The Spring Clean Cheat Sheet
When consumers search for information on how to get something done, they’ll usually select the quickest, most efficient option. Provide your target customers with a Spring Clean cheat sheet to make them feel like they’re getting the very best deal – all thanks to you!

The most important thing to remember when creating seasonal content is to keep it relevant. Focus on the needs, wants and expectations of your audience and keep the sales pitches to a minimum. You may mention the odd service here and there as part of a solution to a problem, but if you’re providing content that is valuable and thoughtful, it will do all the pitching for you.
Try giving a few of these titles a go on the run-up to spring and see how they do!
If creating seasonal content is something you’d like to do this year but you’re pushed for time, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We have a range of flexible, affordable content creation packages available designed to support cleaning businesses like yours.