by Louisa Smith | Feb 22, 2023 | Content Creation
Copywriting tips are a minefield of do this, don’t do that, try this, avoid that. Especially when you’re just looking for some general tips on how to improve your copywriting skills, it can be difficult to determine what to do for the best. To make things a little...
by Louisa Smith | Nov 9, 2022 | Virtual Assistance
So, you’ve hit the workload overwhelm wall. You were busy plodding along, minding your own business, convincing yourself that adding one or two more tasks to your to-do list won’t hurt. How much of a difference can it make, right? And then, BAM. You’re suddenly...
by Louisa Smith | Oct 5, 2022 | Admin, Content Creation, Credit Control, Data Entry, Virtual Assistance
According to YouGov, 70% of British businesses currently outsource some tasks to third parties – but why? When you’re running a business with a brilliant team of in-house staff, it can be difficult to understand why so many businesses choose to outsource certain tasks...
by Louisa Smith | May 11, 2022 | Content Creation
Writing content people care about is all about making emotional connections. This notion often gives people a bit of ‘the fear’. They assume they have to make people cry with empathy or wheeze with laughter for their content to be valuable. While this is great if you...
by Louisa Smith | Feb 9, 2022 | Content Creation
Getting content creation right is a task that takes time, knowledge and skill. Time because the process of creating valuable, useful content isn’t a quick one or something you can do in an hour. Knowledge because the success of your content will vary depending on how...