Updated 28.1.25
When you’re running a small business, your plate isn’t just full. It’s positively overflowing. And it doesn’t stop there. As more and more gets piled on top, it can be difficult to see what’s underneath. Tasks get missed, to-do lists become unmanageable, and you’re left feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
We’ve all been there, and if you’re there right now, we promise it gets better!
As Virtual Assistants, we work with small businesses owners to reduce workload and make running your business a little easier (and a lot more enjoyable!).
If you’re in need of some support, these are the top tasks a Virtual Assistant can take off your plate…
Top Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant
Admin is a colossal pain the butt. We know it, you know it, but we also know it has to be done to avoid a whole host of other pain in the butt problems. The issue is, there’s just so much of it, and the rate at which it accumulates is relentless.
Delegating even a few small admin tasks to your Virtual Assistant can make a huge difference to your workload and the day to day running of your business.
Imagine, for example, that when you sit down to your inbox on a Monday morning, you’re not bombarded with 343 unread emails, twenty flashing ‘important’ icons and an instant shot of anxiety. Instead, all irrelevant emails have been dealt with, basic enquires responded to and actual important emails organised in terms of priority and flagged for your attention.
And the best bit? You haven’t had to lift a finger.
Inbox management is just one of the admin tasks virtual assistants can take off your plate. We’re also pretty nifty with filing, data entry, and know our way around social media scheduling tools like nothing you’ve ever seen.
These are just small tasks, but the hours needed to complete them effectively rack up quickly. Just imagine what you could do with those hours if you gained them back.
Let’s be honest, not many small business owners have got the time or the inclination to fret over a blog post for hours or faff about writing landing pages for their website. And, a lot of the time, you may not feel equipped to do those things. You’re an expert in running your business, but if writing isn’t your forte, copywriting may feel like a bit of a chore.
The good news is, many Virtual Assistants specialise is copywriting – and we specialise in writing copy for small businesses in particular. For our current clients, we keep blogs updated with relevant, engaging content and help their websites stand out in SERPs with carefully crafted copy that speaks both to their audience and the algorithms.
Copywriting is an essential part of any small business marketing strategy, and leaving it to fall by the wayside can mean you’re doing your business a disservice. That’s why it’s one of the top tasks business owners choose to outsource. According to research, copywriting and ‘content creation is the most outsourced activity at 42%.’
So, if you find you’re wasting your time staring at blank word documents and waiting for words to appear, find yourself a Virtual Assistant who specialises in copy instead and scoop yet another task off your overfilled plate.

Content Marketing
We’ve talked about copywriting, but what about all the fancy stuff the goes with it? The social media captions, the social media graphics, the newsletters, the videos – it all needs to be done, but it doesn’t all have to be done by you!
Many Virtual Assistants specialise is supporting you with your content marketing strategy. Whether it’s enlisting them to create a series of social media posts to promote your latest product or a monthly newsletter to keep your audience up to date and your business top of mind, outsourcing some elements of your content marketing is a win, win.
Not only do you save copious amounts of time and effort, but you also ensure that your marketing is in the hands of an expert who has the best interests of your business at heart.
If you’re struggling to find time to even think about your content marketing strategy, let alone put one into place, consider delegating to a specialist VA.
Credit Control
Hands up who likes making credit control calls! Oh yeah. Absolutely no one.
For many of our clients, credit control has been a real source of stress and anxiety in the past. They’ve found it difficult to find time to chase late payments or keep up with invoicing, and as a result have run into problems with cash flow and aged debt.
Unfortunately, credit control is one of those tasks that requires constant and dedicated monitoring, otherwise it has the potential to spiral out of control very quickly.
Virtual Assistants are incredibly skilled in supporting small businesses with credit control. And the best part about it? They’re not splitting their time between a million different tasks like you are. They can dedicate hours on end to just managing your credit control. Whether it’s making daily chaser calls, being responsible for all elements of your invoicing, supporting you with payroll or helping clear aged debt, this service really is worth its weight in gold.
If you find credit control stressful or simply don’t have the time to keep on top of it, consider outsourcing it to a Virtual Assistant.
Virtual Assistant Support with The Edwards Company
We reckon your plate is looking a little more manageable already!
If you’re considering outsourcing tasks to a Virtual Assistant, whether it be admin, content creation and copywriting or credit control, get in touch with our fab team who will be able to point you in the right direction.
Happy Outsourcing!